Other commuters who had saw the relationship between master and dog were touched by the dog's show of devotion (who wouldn't be touched) and they started to bring treats and food to Hachiko as he waited for his master. This behavior went on for ten years with the dog appearing every night at four o'clock when the train was due. In that movie, Hachiko's loyalty to His master is overwhelming. Knowing well that his master never did a communal promise to him that he will be back, still Hachi waited for several years , which is a vivid picture of genuine faith. He never got tired of going to the same spot where he used to wait upon the arrival of his master. Truly, I was struck by this movie and it deeply reminds me about man's faith towards God. In Hebrews 11:1, Faith is defined as being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we cannot see. A basic example of this is the presence of air, we cannot see it but we are pretty sure that it exists. Jesus promised to His disciples that He will come back, but sad to say, most of us are not anymore willing to wait upon His coming. Instead of preparing for Jesus, they've turned to Earthly things and pleasures and thus, neglecting God's promise. We all know the fruits of faith such as courage, hope, patience, loyalty, love, trust and pace of mind. During circumstances, do you exercise your faith or you depend on facts? It is a common scenario among us that whenever we encounter problems, we tend to calculate facts, rely on evidences and then worry about the outcome, as if we don't have faith to God and assumes that God would not back us up. We should always remember that we must live by faith and not by sight, drop the fear and keep the faith because God honors who have it.
Tribulations are like hurdles in the race, the runner should jump over it in order to reach the finish line, not to give up the race... God does not want us to be quitters. BUT CHAMPIONS!
I LOVE IT.. :))
much much!God id good.
What a touching story. How you relate it to man's God and faith we have in HIM. :)
Keep this blog up cause its so awesome and worth reading. :)
Aileen :)) yes,it is so terrific! Edmund is right.. "worth reading".
we should always hold to our faith!
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