Thursday, December 15, 2011 | By: Rey Rusty Mendoza Gayuma

The Letter

              I am navigating YouTube when I saw this heart-shaking video clip. I know this video is worth sharing for that's why I had it posted in my blog. I did have a teary-eyed when I watched this and somehow raped the Replay Button. I don't know why I was so overwhelmed by this video but I know this had reminded me of the love we have from our parents. I know a lot of people is dealing with this kind of situation, a hurtful rejection. I am not a parent but it seems that I felt what the parents had felt in the letter. The message is very clear! We need to love our parents back because they had loved us first . Whatever we are now, we owe a lot to them. Maybe another apparent reason why I broke up with tears just by watching this video is because I won't be home this Christmas with my mom and dad. Furthermore, I won't allow the distance for them not to feel how grateful I am having them as my parents.We may be apart by miles but not by heart.  Our parents need also our compassion, even a little. This Christmas, manifest the spirit of  love by showing them the love they expect from you. Not only this season but everyday in our lives. Let us not wait that our words for them would be left unspoken and our deeds be left undone.A simple "I love you mom and dad" would leap a big joy in their hearts.
             Advance Joyful Christmas to everybody! May the New Year bring prosperity and happiness to every family around the globe.


Ivan Saldajeno said...

This shows how parents love their kids even if they're too old to take care of them. Real Love

chrisair said...

that was a good find rey, haven't discovered it until you post it thanks

ralph said...

indeed nice one to share... continue on your faith and beliefs... especially in giving importance to your parents... Yahweh bless.

Gil Camporazo said...

Oh! I've already seen this for it was linked to my FB wall with one of my friends in FB. I gradually become emotional as the scene flipped one by one, until my tears uncontrollably trekking down to my cheek. As I continued watching, I was pondering that this could be the real situation of us, as parents to my 6 grown-up children. I was thinking that they won't be doing these to us since we are already a senior citizen. I shared this to our youngest daughter. She wept too while viewing this... She came over to me in front of our desktop PC and hugged me.

simply pochi said...

Honoring and loving our parents, for what I know, is the first commandment that was with a promise. Read Exodus :) <3

sarj said...

I sometimes take for granted the people who I love..this is a great reminder.thanks rusty :)

joy said...

i am always a pro-family, being the eldest among my siblings now all having our own families, i always make sure that we have time to visit our parents and pay attention of their needs, to show love and care

yuuki said...

i stopped midway, though i've seen this several times, naiiyak pa din ako! i miss my mom!

Sining Factory said...

I so love this video. The one who did the letter was genius. It made me realize how much I love my parent.:)I'll take care of them no matter what.

sionee- said...

I remember when I first saw this, can't help but cry. Love thy parents! ^^

Shirgie Scf said...

very emotional indeed, but it is in this emotion that we learned something- respect the elderly.

Jonathan said...

I am at a loss for words..

Anonymous said...

0:00-0:43, my eyes got busted and I began to cry. I'm having realizations right now. It made me miss my mother more, and my grandmother even. I really have this thing to older people, they really make me so soft.


Cha said...

Unconditional LOve.....

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