Happy Birthday Potch:)
Take time right nowTo enjoy this dayRelax in knowingThe promise God gaveThat you are a child
I'm so glad that in a short time we have been fond with each other, and somehow got learned about everything that you've shared! I found it a amazing how our lives got entangled that made me think like I've known you for a quite long time. I wish you the best Potch! I know you are a truly gifted child of God and you are destined for something better and bigger. I envy your perseverance and courage that made you surpassed all the darts and hurdles that block your way.
Thank you so much for everything and I'd like to take this opportunity to ask apology for my "pang-aasar" that I blurred out your patience. Long live Potch. Continue pursuing the goal for His Kingdom and Eminence.
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